Introducing the Improved Password Generator

Enpass already takes care of all your login-specific needs; from generating an unguessable password to storing it securely. Continuing in that direction, here we are, yet again, proud to present our all-new password generator in Enpass 4.5. Rest assured, you will experience ultimate freedom while dealing with passwords. Lets get acquainted with the changes.

We believe in strong (and beautiful) passwords.

What used to happen was – passwords appeared to be black and traditional. You could generate them but there was no way to be certain of their strength. We have made it more convenient and interesting.

Password strength indicator

Our aim is to make you make strong passwords. 
Password strength indicator is an important tool in that regard; knowing the strength of your password would nudge you to generate a more complex and longer password. 
For the passwords those you have already created using your creativity, the indicator present on item-detail screen would also inspect them and indicate strength. Try to stay in the green zone.

Pronounceable Passwords

Passwords are not to be shared, but why should that deter you from lending them some sense?
This is why we added an option for generating pronounceable passwords. Moreover, you can add your personal flavor to these passwords by altering their recipe.

Pronounceable passwords are also much easier to remember, in case you want to. 


Ambiguity with Color Codes

Another option, Avoid Ambiguity has been added to avoid the use of visually confusing letters from your passwords.Passwords would now be more distinguished and beautiful by courtesy of color codes; so the letters, numbers and symbols in any password are represented with different colors.


Getting practical with Browser Integration & Password History

What used to happen was – there was not much linkage between Enpass App and the built-in Enpass browser as any one of them was accessible at a time. Changing a password was also quite tedious and now it is simplified a lot.

Integrated with Browser

With the new in-browser password generator button, now you can change passwords on websites while on the go.

Also, the Enpass browser has become better adapted for this purpose. That is, your session won’t shut when you switch between the app and browser.

Password History

What if you change your password (using the in-browser button) on some website and forget to update this item in Enpass keychain? Password History cuts you some slack by listing the last five passwords along with their domains. This way you can come back later to edit your item and update password with just a simple tap.

Do read the complete list of new features of Enpass 4.5 for your platform on Downloads page under Release notes. You would surely be pleased with all the progress Enpass has made with this latest release.